gnabgib 15 hours ago

Related Did Google just brick the 2nd gen Chromecast? (16 points, 5 hours ago, 3 comments)

It doesn't seem to be everyone. (My audiocast are fine)

  • clan 15 hours ago

    I just spent 2 hours resetting and debugging my 2nd gen HDMI dongle. Blessed with having a UniFi network which can be a bit temperamental with Chromecast. For me the song and dance started with "outdated device firmware".

    But yes. This is the same story. I did not find that one before submitting this. Sorry!

    • gnabgib 15 hours ago

      's all good, dupes happen (this is a bit more official than Reddit.. although the source might be the same?)

      I know they're on borrowed time (I've already lost one) but.. random data point, my Gen 1 videos are fine (just tested).

      Which isn't the sort of thing that helps you or anyone else trying to debug this (but this article makes it sound like an age thing.. which.. seems unlikely if even older harder is happily streaming).