wtallis 17 hours ago

Ok, the headline is a bit misleading: Microsoft isn't announcing a technological platform and toolset called CoreAI. They're announcing a business unit called "CoreAI – Platform and Tools". That's way less interesting .

  • pjmlp 16 hours ago

    The interesting part is that DevDiv and Office will be moving into it.

    DevDiv is the one with ownership about VS, VSCode, .NET, Java, Go,...

    • wtallis 15 hours ago

      Doesn't that make it even less interesting? If all those products are moving to this new division, then it cannot really be specifically about AI. It's just a routine corporate reorganization shuffle that happens to be using the buzzword du jour.

      • pjmlp 15 hours ago

        Lets say probably it is going to be a lot of AI down every single product that DevDiv is responsible for, most likely tied to OKRs.

        Which will affect every single developer that works within Microsoft ecosystem of programing languages and tools.

quantified 13 hours ago

If he's as successful with this as he was in his last venture, it won't be good.